Job Interview Questions

    Aim: This job interview questions exercise is to help you to improve your performance in interviews.
    Instructions: Read the interview questions and click on the answer that you think is best. You will then see some feedback on your answer. You can click on more than one answer to see the feedback for each answer.
    Navigation: ELC > CILL > Exercises > this page. Related pages:
    • Job interview simulation - an animation in which you select the answers to interviewer's questions
    Question 1: Explain to us, as best you can, why you have applied for a position in our company.
    1. I am very interested in the field your company is in.
    2. I need the money.
    3. Your company has a very good reputation.
    4. Yours is the only company that has offered me an interview.
    Question 2: Why do you think you might like to work for our company?
    1. Good pay.
    2. Famous.
    3. Good training.
    4. I've always wanted to work in this field, and your company is one of the leaders in this field.
    5. I've wanted to work for you since your representative gave a career talk on campus, and gave me a very good image of your organisation.
    Question 3: What do you know about our company?
    1. Famous.
    2. Your annual report describes you as...
    3. My friends in the field say that your company is...
    Question 4: What do you know about the type of work we expect from you?
    1. What it says in the job advertisement.
    2. Well at first I'd expect to... Then later, hopefully I will be promoted and I will...
    3. I'd expect to carry out the functions of the post, and be creative and a good team member.
    Question 5: In what way do you feel our company will help you to use your abilities fully?
    1. I think I will be able to use my inter-personal skills as a team member...
    2. I think I will be able to put into practice the skills I learned at University.
    3. I'm afraid I'm not clear on what exactly your company offers its employees in this area.
    Question 6: Have you any experience of this type of work?
    1. No.
    2. Well, from my summer working experience I have teamwork and organisational skills.
    3. No, but I'm sure I will pick up the job very quickly.
    Question 7: What do you think determines an employees' progress in a company such as ours?
    1. Company politics and relationships.
    2. Interpersonal and technical skills.
    3. Experience.
    Question 8: What qualities do you think the job requires?
    1. The qualities that I have learned in my university career, for example...
    2. I'm not sure.
    3. The qualities that you mentioned in the job advertisement...
    Question 9: What qualities would you expect of persons working as a team?
    1. Co-operativeness and enthusiasm.
    2. Team work.
    3. Obedience.
    Question 10: We have several applicants for this position. Why do you think you are the person we should choose?
    1. I don't know the other candidates, so I can't answer that question.
    2. I have no idea, but I'm sure I'd work hard.
    3. I have the abilities, qualities and experience that you requested in your job advert, for example...
    Question 11: How are your studies at the Polytechnic University related to this job?
    1. Well, they weren't really relevant, but I'm sure I can pick up the job quickly.
    2. Several of my courses were directly relevant to this job; for example...
    3. In fact, I want to change my career because I'm bored with doing the things I did on my course.
    Question 12: Why did you choose your course as your field of study?
    1. I chose the course because it would prepare me for this field, and I believe that this field suits my personality and strengths, for example...
    2. It wasn't my first choice.
    3. My teacher and career counselor recommended it .
    Question 13: What projects have you worked on?
    1. I did a final year project called...
    2. We did a lot of project work. The one I remember best was called... It was the best one because...
    Question 14: Could you tell us something about yourself?
    1. I believe that I am a well-qualified, experienced person with abilities that suit your needs, for example...
    2. Well, as you can see from my resume...
    3. I'm the perfect employee you are looking for, you shouldn't miss this chance to employ me.
    Question 15: I see you have done some voluntary work. What did you learn from that?
    1. I learned to be caring and compassionate, and to look after those less fortunate than myself.
    2. I learned responsibility and leadership, for example...
    3. I learned to be a better Christian from watching my colleagues and superiors.
    Question 16: What do you do in your spare time?
    1. I sleep, listen to music and read books.
    2. I enjoy cycling and wind-surfing.
    3. I enjoy team sports such as basketball and volleyball, and I am the secretary of my department's student society.
    Question 17: How do you see your career developing?
    1. After a few years of gaining experience in the company and furthering my professional qualifications I'd like to put my experience and skills to use in management.
    2. I aim to be promoted within two years, lead a team, and, when I have enough experience  in the field, I will start my own company.
    3. Well, I expect that after a few years management will promote me when they think that I am ready.
    Question 18: Do you have any particular strengths or weaknesses?
    1. I think I'm good at...
    2. I think I'm good at... As for weaknesses, my Chinese typing speed isn't very good, and I'm studying to improve it.
    3. I'm good at...  On the other hand I'm a little bit lazy.
    4. Sometimes I'm too hard-working and I put myself under too much pressure to make things perfect.
    Question 19: What exactly do you know about dealing with subordinates who create a bad atmosphere in your team?
    1. I would fire or transfer that subordinate.
    2. I would talk to him or her  to try to find out the problem.
    3. I would first give him a verbal warning, and then go on to disciplinary procedures if necessary.
    Question 20: What were the benefits of your summer work?
    1. Money.
    2. There were no benefits, I just did a very low level job.
    3. I learned what it's like to be an employee, how to work in a team, the procedures used by companies, and all the little things that make life in the workplace so different from life as a student.

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